Installation de NetBackup 5.0 sous HP-UX

vendredi 17 avril 2009
par  Jerome ROBERT
popularité : 2%

Exemple d installation de NetBackup 5.0 sous HP-UX

Monter le Cd-rom sous HP-UX

# mkdir /a
# nohup pfs_mountd &
# nohup pfsd &
# pfs_mount -o xlat=unix /dev/dsk/c#t#d# /a

Executer le script

# cd /a


VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2003 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

	Installation Options

	1 NetBackup
	2 NetBackup Client Software
	3 NetBackup Client Java Software

	q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]: 1

The NetBackup and Media Manager software is built for use on HP9000-800 hardware.
Do you want to install NetBackup and Media Manager files? [y,n] (y) y

NetBackup and Media Manager are normally installed in /usr/openv.
The existing /usr/openv directory will be used for NetBackup and Media Manager.

The HP9000-800 clients will be loaded.
Do you want to load any other NetBackup clients onto the server? [y,n] (y) y

	Choose the Platform Client Options you wish to install.

	HP9000-800 must be installed

	Platform Client Options
	 1. ALPHA
	 2. HP9000
	 3. INTEL
	 4. Linux
	 6. RS6000
	 7. SCO
	 8. SGI
	 9. Solaris
	10. All UNIX client platforms
	 q. quit selecting

	Enter Choice(s) [1 - 10] 2
HP9000-800 HP9000-800
	Enter Choice(s) [1 - 10] 3
HP9000-800 HP9000-800 INTEL
	Enter Choice(s) [1 - 10] q

	You have chosen to install: 
Is this the list you wish to use? [y,n] (y) y

Reading client binaries for /usr/openv/netbackup/client/HP9000-800
x HP9000-800/HP-UX11.00/bp, 290816 bytes, 568 tape blocks
x HP9000-800/HP-UX11.00/bparchive symbolic link to bpbackup
x HP9000-800/HP-UX11.00/bpjava-msvc, 610304 bytes, 1192 tape blocks
x HP9000-800/HP-UX11.11/, 233472 bytes, 456 tape blocks
x HP9000-800/HP-UX11.11/, 244912 bytes, 479 tape blocks
x HP9000-800/HP-UX11.11/XKeysymDB, 773 bytes, 2 tape blocks

Reading client binaries for /usr/openv/netbackup/client/INTEL
x INTEL/FreeBSD4.5/bp, 255797 bytes, 500 tape blocks
x INTEL/FreeBSD4.5/bparchive symbolic link to bpbackup
x INTEL/FreeBSD4.5/bpbackup, 332085 bytes, 649 tape blocks
x INTEL/FreeBSD4.5/vxss_db_paths, 1623 bytes, 4 tape blocks
x INTEL/FreeBSD4.5/xbp, 582 bytes, 2 tape blocks
x INTEL/FreeBSD4.5/XKeysymDB, 773 bytes, 2 tape blocks

Reading NetBackup files from /cdrom/hp-ux/anb

x usr/openv/db/bin/nbdbd, 3182592 bytes, 6216 tape blocks
x usr/openv/db/etc/mysql/english/errmsg.sys, 11159 bytes, 22 tape blocks
x usr/openv/db/etc/mysql/english/errmsg.txt, 11634 bytes, 23 tape blocks
x usr/openv/man/man1m/vltrun.1m, 12321 bytes, 25 tape blocks
x usr/openv/man/man1m/vopie_util.1m, 11573 bytes, 23 tape blocks
x usr/openv/man/man1m/vopied.1m, 8863 bytes, 18 tape blocks

Reading NetBackup-Java GUI applications from /cdrom/NB-Java/

The Java packages for installed client types will be loaded.

cp NB-Java.install /usr/openv/NB-Java.install
cp NB-Java.tar.Z /usr/openv/NB-Java.tar.Z
cp HPUX_JRE.tar.Z /usr/openv/java/HPUX_JRE.tar.Z
cp /usr/openv/lib/server/hp_ux/
Reading Media Manager files from /cdrom/hp-ux/anb

x usr/openv/volmgr/bin/drive_mount_notify, 2860 bytes, 6 tape blocks
x usr/openv/volmgr/bin/drive_unmount_notify, 2822 bytes, 6 tape blocks
x usr/openv/volmgr/bin/mmcrawl, 344064 bytes, 672 tape blocks
x openv/db/var/mysql/tables_priv.frm, 8877 bytes, 18 tape blocks
x openv/db/var/mysql/user.frm, 9148 bytes, 18 tape blocks
x openv/db/etc/nbdb.cnf, 199 bytes, 1 tape blocks

Copying HP-UX11.11 Client Binaries
+ /bin/cp ./bp /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bp
+ /bin/cp ./bpcd /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpcd
+ /bin/cp ./bpdynamicclient /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/bpdynamicclient
+ /bin/cp ./template.names_allow.txt /usr/openv/var/auth/template.names_allow.txt
+ /bin/cp ./template.names_deny.txt /usr/openv/var/auth/template.names_deny.txt
+ /bin/cp ./fsanalyze /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/fsanalyze

A NetBackup Server or Enterprise Server license key is needed
for installation to continue.

Enter license key: Evaluation NetBackup Enterprise Server with Apr 30, 2004 expiration date will be registered.
Is this OK? [y,n] (y) 


	Evaluation NetBackup Enterprise Server Base product with the following features enabled:  
            Open File Backup
            Remote Client Support
            Robotic Library Sharing Support
            Remote Media Server Support
            Microsoft RSM Robotic Libraries
            ADIC DAS/SDLC Robotic Libraries
            IBM ATL Robotic Libraries
            Fujitsu LMF Robotic Libraries
            StorageTek ACS Robotic Libraries
            Advanced Client
            MS SharePoint Agent
            Inline Tape Copy
            GDM Managed Server
            Library Based Tape Drives
            Additional Drives/Robotics
            Intelligent Disaster Recovery
            Encryption DES 56-bit
            Encryption DES 40-bit
            SAP extension
            SQL-Backtrack extension
            Sybase extension
            Informix extension
            Oracle extension
            Lotus Notes extension
            DB2 extension
            MS SQL Server extension
            MS Exchange extension
            Advanced Reporting Option
            Shared Storage Option
            Global Data Manager
            Additional clients
	has been registered.

All additional keys should be added at this time.
Do you want to add additional license keys now? [y,n] (y) n

Use /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/get_license_key
to add, delete or list license keys at a later time.

Installing NetBackup Enterprise Server version: 5.0GA

If this machine will be using a different network interface than the
default (server12), the name of the preferred interface should be used
as the configured server name.  If this machine will be part of a
cluster, the virtual name should be used as the configured server name.

Would you like to use "server12" as the configured
name of the NetBackup server? [y,n] (y) y

Is server12 the master server? [y,n] (y) y
Do you have any media servers? [y,n] (n) n
Linking /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/XNB --> /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/XNB.dt

Checking for a bpcd entry in /etc/inetd.conf:  Adding bpcd entry.
Original /etc/inetd.conf saved as /etc/inetd.conf.NBU_041604.11:47:01.
Checking for a vnetd entry in /etc/inetd.conf:  Adding vnetd entry.
Checking for a vopied entry in /etc/inetd.conf:  Adding vopied entry.
Checking for a bpjava-msvc entry in /etc/inetd.conf:  Adding bpjava-msvc entry.

Checking /etc/services for the needed NetBackup and Media Manager services.

Copying original /etc/services file to /etc/services.NBU_041604.11:53:12
Editing /etc/services to update NetBackup and Media Manager services.

/etc/services will be updated to add the following entries for NetBackup/Media Manager.

bprd 	13720/tcp 	bprd
bpcd 	13782/tcp 	bpcd
bpdbm 	13721/tcp 	bpdbm
vnetd 	13724/tcp 	vnetd
vopied 	13783/tcp 	vopied
bpjobd 	13723/tcp 	bpjobd
nbdbd 	13784/tcp 	nbdbd
visd 	9284/tcp 	visd
bpjava-msvc 	13722/tcp 	bpjava-msvc
vmd 	13701/tcp 	vmd
acsd 	13702/tcp 	acsd
tl8cd 	13705/tcp 	tl8cd
tldcd 	13711/tcp 	tldcd
ts8d 	13709/tcp 	ts8d
odld 	13706/tcp 	odld
tl4d 	13713/tcp 	tl4d
tsdd 	13714/tcp 	tsdd
tshd 	13715/tcp 	tshd
tlmd 	13716/tcp 	tlmd
tlhcd 	13717/tcp 	tlhcd
lmfcd 	13718/tcp 	lmfcd
rsmd 	13719/tcp 	rsmd

To change these entries modify the file /tmp/services.ov_edited.6908
and enter  when ready to continue:
/etc/services has been updated to contain NetBackup and Media Manager services.

WARNING: ypwhich:  the NIS domain name hasn't been set on this machine

WARNING: ypcat:  the NIS domain name hasn't been set on this machine

Sending SIGHUP to inetd process.

To make NetBackup start up automatically when
the system is restarted, the netbackup script found in
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies has been placed in /sbin/init.d,
with links to it placed in the /sbin/rc2.d directory.

To make NetBackup shut down automatically when
the system is restarted, the netbackup script found in
/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies has been placed in /sbin/init.d,
with links to it placed in the /sbin/rc0.d directory.

Extracting NetBackup-Java product files.

Installing NetBackup-Java, and the Java runtime environment for HP-UX B.11.11.

Configuring NetBackup-Java runtime environment.

The installation of the NetBackup-Java product on server12 is complete.

In order for device discovery and auto-configuration to work properly in a
NetBackup Enterprise environment, particularly where peripherals are
connected to multiple servers, one host must serve as the repository for
global device database information.

Enter which host will store the global device database.
(default: server12): server12

To be able to install the client software the NetBackup
processes need to be started. Do you want to start the
NetBackup processes so client software can be installed? [y,n] (y) y

Starting the NetBackup database manager process (bpdbm).

Do you want to create policy and schedule examples that you can view or use
when you are configuring your own policies and schedules? [y,n] (y) y
 ... creating policy template_normal
 ... creating schedules for policy template_normal
 ... creating policy template_weekend
 ... creating schedules for policy template_weekend
Done creating example policies and schedules.
Creating Directive Set for LotusNotes
Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_5.x
Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_Mailbox
Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_2000
Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_SRS
Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_Public_Folders
Creating Directive Set for MS_Exchange_KMS
Creating Directive Set for MS_SharePoint_Server
Creating Directive Set for MS_SharePoint_Workspaces
Creating Template Set for Oracle_RMAN
Creating Template Set for Oracle_XML_Export
Creating Template Set for DB2
Creating Directive Set for Windows2000

Policy conversion summary:
	Number of original policies:			2
	Number of non-snapshot policies skipped:	2
	Number of policies not needing conversion:	0
	Number of policies converted to
	  'auto' snapshot method:			0
	Number of policies converted:			0
	Number of new policies created due to
	  multiple clients in a policy that had
	  different snapshot method configurations:	0

Do you want to start the Media Manager device daemon processes? [y,n] (y) y
Starting the Media Manager device daemon processes.

Do you want to start the NetBackup bprd process so
backups and restores can be initiated? [y,n] (y) y
Starting the NetBackup request daemon process (bprd).

Done executing NB.inst

VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2003 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

	Installation Options

	1 NetBackup
	2 NetBackup Client Software
	3 NetBackup Client Java Software

	q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]: 1

The NetBackup and Media Manager software is built for use on HP9000-800 hardware.
Do you want to install NetBackup and Media Manager files? [y,n] (y) y

NetBackup and Media Manager are normally installed in /usr/openv.
Is it OK to install in /usr/openv? [y,n] (y) y

The HP9000-800 clients will be loaded.
Do you want to load any other NetBackup clients onto the server? [y,n] (y) y

	Choose the Platform Client Options you wish to install.

	HP9000-800 must be installed

	Platform Client Options
	 1. ALPHA
	 2. HP9000
	 3. INTEL
	 4. Linux
	 6. RS6000
	 7. SCO
	 8. SGI
	 9. Solaris
	10. All UNIX client platforms
	 q. quit selecting

	Enter Choice(s) [1 - 10] 2,3
Choose values in the range 1 - 10, try again or enter q to quit: 2 3
HP9000-800 HP9000-800 INTEL
	Enter Choice(s) [1 - 10] q

	You have chosen to install: 
Is this the list you wish to use? [y,n] (y) y

Reading client binaries for /usr/openv/netbackup/client/HP9000-800
x HP9000-800/HP-UX11.00/bp, 290816 bytes, 568 tape blocks
x HP9000-800/HP-UX11.00/bparchive symbolic link to bpbackup
x HP9000-800/HP-UX11.00/bpbkar, 966656 bytes, 1888 tape blocks
x HP9000-800/HP-UX11.00/bpcd, 659456 bytes, 1288 tape blocks
x HP9000-800/HP-UX11.00/bpclimagelist, 425984 bytes, 832 tape blocks

VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2003 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

	Installation Options

	1 NetBackup
	2 NetBackup Client Software
	3 NetBackup Client Java Software

	q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]: 3

	Choose the Java Platform Options you wish to install.

	Java Platform Options
	1. AIX
	2. HPUX
	3. Linux
	4. Solaris_Sparc
	5. Solaris_x86
	6. Tru64
	7. All Java platforms
	q. quit selecting

	Enter Choice(s) [1 - 7] 2
	Enter Choice(s) [1 - 7] q

	You have chosen to install: 
Is this the list you wish to use? [y,n] (y) y

cp HPUX_JRE.tar.Z /usr/openv/java/HPUX_JRE.tar.Z

VERITAS Installation Script
Copyright 1993 - 2003 VERITAS Software Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

	Installation Options

	1 NetBackup
	2 NetBackup Client Software
	3 NetBackup Client Java Software

	q To quit from this script
Choose an option [default: q]: q

A trace of the install can be found in /tmp/install_trace.7435
That file can be deleted after you are sure the install was successful.

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