Cache fs : log

mercredi 17 septembre 2008
par  Jerome ROBERT
popularité : 2%

Consignation du systeme de fichiers CacheFS

cachefslog [-f logfile | -h]  cachefs_mount_point


     -f logfile
           Specifie le fichier de consignation.

     -h    Pour arreter la consignation.

mkdir -p /var/cachelogs

cachefslog -f /var/cachelogs/cdrom_cache.log /cdrom

/var/cachelogs/cdrom_cache.log : /cdrom

ls -l /var/cachelogs/

total 2
-rw-r--r--   1 root     other         28 Jul 30 18:22 cdrom_cache.log

Pour connaître le nom du fichier de cache :

cachefslog /cdrom/
/var/cachelogs/cdrom_cache.log :

connaître la taille du cache:

cachefswssize /var/cachelogs/cdrom_cache.log 

    total for cache
           initial size:             16376k
               end size:                 0k
        high water size:                 0k

Renommee le nom du journal de cache :

cachefslog -f /var/cachelogs/cdrom_cache-new.log /cdrom

cachefsstat /cdrom/

                 cache hit rate:    49% (35 hits, 36 misses)
             consistency checks:      0 (0 pass, 0 fail)
                       modifies:      0
             garbage collection:      0

hits :

on va chercher dans le cache, represente l’efficacite du cache

misses :

on va chercher les donnees a la source

consistency checks :

toutes les 30 secondes

garbage collection :

vidage du cache

pass :

nbre de controles de coherence effectuees

fail :

nbre de mise a jour

Man de cachefsstat:

System Administration Commands                    cachefsstat(1M)

     cachefsstat - Cache File System statistics

     /usr/bin/cachefsstat [-z] [path...]

     The cachefsstat  command  displays  statistical  information
     about the cache file system mounted on path. The statistical
     information includes  cache  hits  and  misses,  consistency
     checking, and modification operations. If path is not speci-
     fied, all mounted cache file systems are used.

     cachefsstat can also be used to reinitialize  this  informa-
     tion (see -z option).

     The statistical information has the following format:


     hit rate
           The percentage of cache hits over the total number  of
           attempts, followed by the
            actual numbers of hits and misses.

     consistency checks
           The number of consistency checks  performed,  followed
           by the number that passed, and the number that failed.

           The number of  modify  operations,  including  writes,
           creates, etc.

     The following option is supported:

     -z    Zero (reinitialize) statistics. Execute cachefsstat -z
           before  executing  cachefsstat again to gather statis-
           tics on the cache performance. This option  can   only
           be  use  by  the  superuser.  The  statistics  printed
           reflect those just  before the statistics  are  reini-

     See largefile(5) for the  description  of  the  behavior  of
     cachefsstat when encountering files greater than or equal to
     2 Gbyte ( 2**31 bytes).

     Example 1: Example of cachefsstat.

     example% cachefsstat /home/sam cache hit  rate:   73%  (1234
     hits,  450  misses)  consistency  checks:  700 (650 pass, 50
     fail) modifies:  321

     The following exit values are returned:

     0     success

           an error has occurred.


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